You are doing your weekly grocery shopping at a nearby store and you see a racialized senior couple shopping near you. They are not speaking English with each other. Another shopper, a middle-aged white person shakes his head and comments “you are in Canada, learn to speak in English” as he stands next to them. The couple look upset by his comment.
Possible ways to respond include…

- Assess the situation and see if any other shopper caught the comment.
- If the man does not leave the couple, record the incident on your phone or ask another shopper to do so if it is safe to do so. Offer to send the recording to the couple afterwards; please do not share it with third parties without the couple’s consent.
- Make eye contact with the couple.
- Demonstrate your support by engaging with the couple, if appropriate, for example: asking them, using words and gestures, where they found one of the items in their cart.
- Approach the couple in a nonthreatening manner and pretend that you know them by telling them how nice it is to meet again.
- If other shoppers or staff are nearby, ask them to stand with you to create a space between the couple and the man only if it is safe to do so.
- If you feel safe, make direct comments such as the following:
- “This comment is racist, please leave the couple alone.”
- “This comment is unacceptable, please stop.”
- “That is unacceptable, we do not tolerate such comments/behaviors.”
- “This comment is racist and has no place here.”
- Stay with the couple until the man leaves. Acknowledge their feelings.
- Suggest some resources, from this Protocol, they can use to recover emotionally from this incident.