Safety & Prevention

As with most critical incidents and threats, prevention is a means by which harm, trauma, injury or illness can be stopped before they occur.

Prevention refers to dismantling racism at its roots

In the context of this document, prevention specifically refers to dismantling racism at its roots and creating a more inclusive, equitable community where everyone is welcome, supported, and empowered to thrive. It means moving beyond reactive models to become anti-racist and proactively fight racism in all its forms.

racism, like other forms of oppression operates on different, interconnected levels.

This includes increasing a common community understanding of racism, that does not exist only in the interpersonal domain in terms of isolated racist attacks, individual incidents of hate nor in micro aggressions but also systemically.

Systemic racism can be described as the ways in which white superiority is embedded in the policies and processes of an institution, resulting in a system that advantages white people and disadvantages BIPOC in employment, education, justice, and social participation.

Taking Charge

Rather than being passive bystanders or relying exclusively on calling the police in response to racist incidents, active intervention is a widespread community commitment to keep each other safe.


As with any emergency response measure, it can be hard to remember the right steps in a crisis situation. To be prepared to act, it is important for individuals and organizations to regularly review, refresh, and practice the procedures outlined in this Protocol ahead of time.

The protocol has outlined a few scenario-based examples to explain how these tools can be utilized while witnessing a racist incident.